The Right Fit

Interests and Skills 

If you do not know what you want to major in or what career path to explore then it is a good idea to take an interests inventory test.  

Finding the "Right Fit" for college

Students choose colleges for a variety of reasons: academic reputation, location, money, etc. As a Christian high school we want to encourage you to look into what type of school environment will be the best fit for you.  College is the time to discover what you believe and why you believe it.  With that in mind some good questions to ask when considering what type of school to consider are: What are the school's values? Do they offer chapel? How often? What is the school's denomination, if any? How does that differ with mine? What are living arrangements like? What are the student's like who attend there? Do I want a private or public school experience? 

There are several good websites to explore that help you determine which college to attend. WCHS has purchased Naviance for all WCHS students which is a college and career exploration program. See Mrs.Thomas for login information. In Naviance, students can take interest inventory tests, research careers and colleges. Once you have explored careers and colleges the next best thing to do is to attend a college fair and to talk to admissions counselors.  There are three primary college fairs throughout the year that we encourage students to attend: the Christian College Fair, Riverside College and Career Fair and the Inland Empire National College Fair. Once you have met the college representatives you need to explore if the college is a good fit for you.  To gain more information on college exploration here are some ideas: attend Woodcrest Christian's College Success Nights (click here for dates of meetings) , obtain printed college materials, explore virtual tours, visit colleges, explore college websites, talk with college alumni, and talk with Mrs.Thomas in the Guidance office.                                                                   

Helpful websites:


College Board Big Future:
Christian College Fairs
California colleges information:
Private institutions in California:
Worldwide college information:
My Majors:


Other Options:

The U.S. Military
U.S. Coast Guard Academy:
U.S. Air Force Academy:
United States Military Academy (West Point):
U.S. Naval Academy:
California Conservation Corps
Job Corps